I think, even after I'm famous, I'm still going to use Dollar Store makeup. That stuff is amazing. oh and Happy Paddy's Day! You folks partyin' it up?


  1. I so wish I was, I have an interview tomorrow and the job involves working with kids..

    Wouldn't do too well for me to walk in and go "Ahhhhh lad! Me head is in BITS after last night, need ta start layin' off the vodka'n'limes..how old am I? Sixteen, and I bleedin' love kids!"

  2. Oh, and thank you for saying Paddy! You have no idea how annoyed I get at the sight of the word 'Patty'!

  3. Well, hello, I'm friends with an Oirish lass. I couldn't say "patty" because, well, that would suck. I've known you long enough to know what's right.
